The Eastern Association is comprised of 38 congregations gathered along the Eastern border to the middle of the state of Illinois. Our congregations share a variety of perspectives, history and vision as they range from rural agricultural communities, small town and mid-size city congregations, to our two university settings. We seek to be a community of faithful pastors and laity who work to strengthen the vision and ministry of our local churches, to support opportunities for service in the wider church, and to empower leadership development in order that we may be and become more fully the Church of Jesus Christ.
Mission Statement
As people of the Eastern Association of the Illinois Conference, United Church of Christ, we affirm the United Church of Christ Statement of Faith. We seek within the Church Universal to participate in God’s mission, following the way of the crucified and risen Christ. mpowered by the Holy Spirit and being called, we commit ourselves to love all unconditionally.
Our Goals Are:
Develop stewards as supporting agents to enable congregations and communities and to share their unique gifts.
Accept, by God’s grace, the responsibility to be in mission with each other, the wider church and the ecumenical community.
Nurture, equip and empower the church family through worship, education, fellowship and leadership development.
Understand the Oneness of Spirit by living in Covenant with one another.
Challenge, call forth and affirm persons to be in ordained ministry.
Live and make alive the healing reconciling ministry of Christ.